Northwest Christian School

Educating for Today, Training for Eternity


 Northwest Christian School

The NCS family is committed to a system of high quality Christian education that meets the needs of the modern child.  

When you come to Northwest Christian School, you can expect to find a rigorous academic curriculum being delivered by a spiritually solid Christian teacher at a competitive price. Northwest Christian School exists to educate students for today’s competitive world while providing the spiritual training and mentorship for entering into eternity with Christ.  A faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior lies at the core of our curriculum and is paramount in our educational philosophy.   Our school has been offering quality Christian education in the Puyallup Valley for over sixty years.  Serving students from  Transitional Kindergarten to the Eighth Grade, Northwest Christian School is proudly through the State of Washington and the National Association of Private Schools. 

Our school is part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist school network.  The Adventist educational system includes elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities in countries around the globe.   

View sample curriculum here.


Mission Statement

Northwest Christian School – educating for today, training for eternity

  • by seeing and treating each child as God’s gift
  • by showing each child the keys to a personal friendship with Jesus Christ.
  • by preparing individuals mentally, physically, and spiritually for a place in His service today and tomorrow.
  • by challenging individuals and groups to academic excellence and a lifelong habit of learning.


Philosophy of Education in Action

Christian education is based on the belief that each student is unique and valuable and needs development as a whole person.  Students are educated to accept service as a way of life, to be sensitive to the needs of people at home and within society, and to become active members in the Body of Christ.  Faculty members are committed to keeping Jesus first in their lives and modeling the Christian life-style.
NCS provides a safe and enriched environment in which students can thrive and discover the joy of being life-long learners, active thinkers, develop positive attitudes, and learn to work together as a community.  Students are given the opportunity to explore, discover, and apply concepts in the real world.  We embrace the philosophy that all students can learn, and together with teachers can strive for academic excellence.


Character Development

As sons and daughters of God, students and staff at NCS will work to develop admirable character traits and practice life skills.  These skills are the core of developing a Christian character and working together as a community. Traits: NCS seeks to teach each student the following traits of character.

  • Trustworthiness
  • Truthfulness
  • Respect for others
  • Active listening
  • Doing one’s best

Life Skills: The development of a Christian character hinges on the development and daily practice of essential life skills.  The following life skills are set before the students at NCS and reinforce our academic curriculum with life training:

  • Evangelism:  Model Christ as an example to others
  • Integrity:  The honesty and truthfulness of ones actions
  • Initiative:  To do something because it needs to be done
  • Flexibility:  The willingness to alter plans when necessary
  • Perseverance:  To keep at it; to continue in spite of difficulties
  • Organization:  To plan, arrange and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use
  • Sense of humor:  To laugh and be playful without harming others
  • Effort:  To do your best
  • Common sense:  To use good judgment
  • Problem-solving:  to create solutions in difficult situations and everyday problems
  • Responsibility:  To respond when appropriate, to be accountable for actions
  • Patience:  To wait calmly for someone or something
  • Friendship:  To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring
  • Curiosity:  A desire to investigate and seek understanding of one’s world
  • Cooperation:  To work together toward a common goal or purpose
  • Caring:  To feel and show concern for others
  • Courage:  To act according to one’s belief
  • Pride:  Satisfaction from doing your personal best
  • Resourcefulness:  To respond to challenges and opportunities in innovative and creative ways